Don't let anybody kid you--website building is not all that easy. I'm still tweaking, but had to let it go over Memorial Day weekend. Something happened on my host site and I wasn't able to edit anything. It was just as well, because we had company all weekend and I was happy to spend all my time with them. It was a gorgeous weekend. A real miracle, considering it was cold before they all got here on Thursday night and turned cold and ugly again after they left on Monday morning. They brought the good weather with them, and then took it back. Not fair!
The Canada geese babies were on our shore the other day. Fuzzy and yellow and scampering everywhere. They grow so fast, within a week they'll look like teenagers.
The parents looked frazzled, and why not? They spend all their time looking out for enemies and trying to herd those little chicks back to their sides.
We'll let them stay for a while, but once those chicks have grown a little, we'll be shooing them away. They think "beach" means "latrine" and we can't have that.
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