Every year we try to take a color tour, timing it when the colors are peak. We’re not famous for riotously colorful hardwoods here in our area. We’re nearly surrounded with wetlands, which means cedar swamp and a few lovely, welcome birches. So usually we wander off for a night or two, heading for the hardwood forests to the west. This year we couldn’t do it, but it didn’t matter in the least. We found plenty of it right close by. Then, when we headed downstate out of necessity (we NEVER head toward the cities unless we absolutely have to), we found the most gorgeous color in a roadside REST AREA.
So I challenge anyone to come here in the fall and still maintain they’ve seen better color elsewhere. NOT SO!
After waiting for quite a while, our winter stash of firewood finally arrived. We ordered six cords, and it’s always a crap shoot whether we get what we paid for. I don’t mean to say those woodsmen deliberately cheat us. . .no, I would never say that. . . but how is it that they always under-measure and never over-measure? This year, after some minor “adjusting”, we think we’re as close as we’re going to get to an honest six cords. But it’s all hard wood, which is a pleasant surprise for a change. Usually we pay for all hardwood and get at least a cord or more of birch, which is pulp wood at best and burns like paper. Our stove doesn’t like it, either. It creates soot and creosote and doesn’t maintain a steady heat like good old hardwoods do.
Most wood sellers claim to sell “seasoned” hardwood. That’s a laugh, too. My idea of “seasoned” and theirs are two different things. Yes, the wood is lovely looking, and a whole lot of it is Beech, which is just the very best for long, smooth burning—but when it’s green and when it’s heavy it’s NOT seasoned! Seasoned means it’s had a chance to dry for a season or so. Seasoned is DRY wood. Dry. That means dry. That means light in weight, with lateral cracks. Not green, not oozing. Our fussy stove doesn’t like that, either.
Now, six cords won’t heat our cabin for the entire winter. Not even close. But it will keep us going with as little help as possible from our propane-eating behemoth of a furnace. We close off the back half of our cabin in winter and it becomes an unheated storage room. We keep potatoes and apples and extra water close to the inside door, where it gets some heat, and they do just fine there.
Just before Christmas, we’ll close up our beloved cabin—shut it down entirely, draining water and removing all the canned goods and perishables—and head south for the winter. Then we’ll be back in early April, in time for the spring migration and the break-up of the bay ice. There will still be plenty of snow on the ground, but we’ll be excited to shovel away the snow and open up again. And hopefully we’ll have enough wood left for some needed cozy fires.
(Yep, we’re migratory, too!) Mona
Enjoyed your fall color photos! I agree - michigan is unsung - I think it's fall beauty is breathtaking. (I posted all my fall shots on my northern mich. blog.)
ReplyDeleteHi Shelly, Thanks so much. I went over and looked at your fall pictures, too. Gorgeous! Love the misty one, especially. And the elk is magnificent.
ReplyDelete(Hey, everybody, go and see:
Yah, we have heard a story about a guy who said he would bring these folks a load of seasoned wood as soon as he got it cut. har har
ReplyDeleteI see you have yours stacked between trees ..what do you use to cover it? We are in southern IN. Have just found your blog and have been perusing it...wonderful. We vacation in and love the UP.
Hi Hoosier! Nice to have you stop by. I'm afraid I've been neglecting my blog here, and I really do have to get back to it. I shared your story about the woodcutter with my husband and we had a good laugh over it. He said he's always suspected that's what they do. Cut to order!
ReplyDeleteWell,the truth about the wood stacked between the trees is. . .it didn't work. We stacked it too high and the wind whipped around and knocked most of it down. So we ended up moving it to the back of the garage under the steps and landing to what we laughingly call our "penthouse". (Actually two small rooms with no "indoor plumbing", but warm and cozy and perfect for hiding away.)
Now we stack some of the greener wood uncovered in lower piles between the trees so it'll have a chance to air dry, but the rest is under the steps, safe from the winds and weather.